Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Week #1 Kitchen

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I have been working on organizing our home for a little over three years now... since we moved in. That sounds kind of horrible since it is still so completely not organized.  I am really hoping that joining in with the 14 week Home Organizing 101 challenge at A bowl full of lemons will help to correct all of this. I am also hoping that a blog will keep me more motivated not only to continue the organizing challenge, but to finish other projects that have come from my own inability to relax and leave things alone and my addiction to Pinterest.

The challenge starts out with week one in the kitchen. This is surprisingly one of the more organized areas of our home so it was a pretty simple week for me. Most of the times a get an urge to organize I end up in the kitchen and burning out so no other rooms get done. Good for the kitchen bad for the rest of the house and a rough next couple of months for me with the other zones covered in the challenge.

So on to the room... what exactly did I complete this week?

I moved the sippy cups out of the cup and coffee cabinet and down into the drawer (middle drawer from the pic on the left) that previously had lil man's bowls, eating utensils, and my cooking pots. Just makes more sense to have all of his things in one place, duh! Why hadn't I done this when I put his other things in there I have no idea :) but I'm happy it's done now. The other two drawers were not changed except that we do have flatware in the top one again from the dishwasher.

This cabinet really didn't change much I just moved some things around and made room for the wine and another bottle of oil so they were in the same place. Just a baking/spice cabinet.

This is definitely my favorite change I made to this room! My husband has had his own drawer on the right since we moved in and now I have my own and I have no idea why I never thought of doing this before.

This was the cabinet above our fridge but now it is empty except for the turkey roasting pan and the styrofoam things. I did stick that plastic pitcher in there as well.  All the ziplocs and foils were moved to the cabinet above the stove for much easier access. No more dragging chairs over to get baggies for me :).

 This cabinet is to the left of the stove and was pretty organized to begin with from my previous attempts. Pretty much just moved those pots in here from the now sippy cup drawer and moved the rice cookers over for easier access.

We are very lucky to have a lot of cabinet space so it's not too hard to find good homes for everything. I am hoping that my changes will make me more productive and our days go more smoothly.

And here is a view of the whole space now that it's cleaned up and more orderly. All ready for me to do a few more craft projects to add a little decoration to it.

Thanks for checking it out! :)


  1. Looks great!!!!

    Take Care,

  2. I know the feeling of trying to organize and the Kitchen was the easiest for me too...Hopefully so will the rest of the house! Your kitchen looks great!

  3. Great job, Kate! Sometimes it just takes awhile for those "light bulb" moments to take place. We've only been in our home for a year, but I have moved just about everything in our kitchen at least twice. It seems to be working well now, but looking at all these wonderful "kitchen" posts may inspire another "light bulb" moment!
